Let's Talk Money
This class talk helps your students understand important money skills needed to be
successful today as students and tomorrow as graduates. Discussion, content, and length
of discussion can be tailored to complement and enhance your curriculum and class
Salary Negotiation
This 50 or 80 minute presentation helps students learn about common negotiating tactics
that can help them be in control of their proper worth. It will also discuss and explore
web and print resources that maintain accurate descriptions of company pay and benefits.
Financial Intelligence Training: Classroom Edition
50 or 80 minute classroom experience that helps students get financially F.I.T.! Your
students will engage in a condensed 3-part series to learn all the ins and outs of
working your main financial muscles: Budgeting, Credit, and Debt.
Game of Life
Interactive 50 or 80 minute learning experience on how will your students do in the
Game of Life? Dives into a life sized, Game of Life where students will learn where
their income will take them. Planning a financial future has never been so entertaining.
The Walking Debt
Interactive 50 or 80 minute learning experience where students will engage in a hands
on activity to avoid a debt apocalypse by learning how to live on a budget that will
lead to financial survival.