Presented by the Libraries

Basic Library Instruction
This 50-minute session will introduce students to the basics of library resources and services. It will also include a tour of Willis Library and an introduction to the library catalog and electronic resources. This is recommended for freshman and sophomore students. **This must be held at a UNT Library location**
Subject Specific Library Instruction
This 50- or 80-minute workshop will invite the subject librarian assigned to your department to instruct your students on library resources that can be used for your class assignments. This session will include a hands-on instruction using library databases and research tips and tricks. This is recommended for upper-level classes. **It is preferred that this be held at a UNT Library location**
Finding Funding
The university subscribes to several resources that students can use to find funding for educational expenses, professional development, and research projects. In this 50- or 80-minute session, students will become familiar with databases that contain funding opportunities. **This will be a hands-on workshop if the class meets in a computer lab or can meet in the Willis Library**
Organizing Your References with RefWorks
In this 50- or 80-minute session, students will learn the basic functions of the online reference manager, RefWorks. They will learn how to set up a free account, gather references from databases, organize them in folders, and produce bibliographies in the citation style of their choice. **This will be a hands-on workshop, if the class meets in a computer lab or can meet in the Willis Library.**